Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I keep on being fascinated by dragonfly wings. They seem very fragile, but still they take the dragonflies everywhere at high speed and make them very agile. When you look closer to them you see a very fine pattern resembling a stained glass window.
Sometimes you get lucky and find a dragonfly (in this case a Migrant Hawker) that sits still and allows you to come very close. When I was this close and making detail-shots another picture came to mind, one where the wing would fill the whole picture. Here I reached the limits of my lenses as I couldn't get close enough for that. So the second picture is, in contrast to almost all my pictures, quite a large crop (only 32% of the original pixels). Fortunately the original had enough sharpness to allow such a large crop.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

End of summer

 Last week autumn has officially started when the sun crossed the equator. Fortunately the weather is still good, and the autumn colours haven't arrived yet. Today we went out to find the last signs of summer: the last flying dragonflies and butterflies. But it was obvious the insect season is coming to an end. Only few dragonflies were seen, but we did find quite a lot butterflies in a row of thistles. The past summer we had a large influx of Painted Ladies, a species that has a preference for thistles. So this picture is a nice ending of this summer.
Now let the autumn begin, with all its nice colours.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lightroom 2: van bits naar output

De meesten van ons zitten het liefst buiten in het veld, de wereld te bekijken door de zoeker van een camera. Maar als we dan een succesvolle dag buiten hebben gehad, moeten al die foto’s toch op de computer bekeken, geselecteerd en bewerkt worden. Het is dan handig als we daar zo weinig mogelijk tijd aan kwijt zijn, zodat we zo snel mogelijk weer naar buiten kunnen. Adobe Lightroom is een programma dat daar enorm mee kan helpen.

Voor het Natuurfotoblog heb ik een artikel geschreven over dit nuttige programma. In het eerste deel ga ik in op wat lightroom is en waarom het zo'n handig programma is voor fotografen.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blog has moved

Hiya all

With the complete make over of my website (its finished now) I also had to move the blog to a new place. This means that you might have to update the RSS-feed or your bookmarks and unfortunately also that I've lost the pictures in the older posts.

But I hope to keep you updated again with the stories behind the pictures.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brand new!

The people reading this that came through my website will have noticed already, but I've completely restyled my website. The site is now completely focussed on the pictures. As large as possible, with as little distracting things as possible. You can either browse the pictures using the arrows at the left/right side of the screen or by using the thumbs at the bottom. If you prefer watching them in a slide show, press the button between the ( ), sit back and enjoy.

Besides the restyling have I also made new selections for all galleries and have I re-edited most of the pictures.

So come and have a look, and let me know how you like it!